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Happy 10 Bonus

Happy 10 is one of the easiest ways to make money with THREE. In short, for each 10 new enrollments, no matter what type of account they are, you'll earn a $100 Reward Certificate.

Let's dive in to the details!

Get happy with the Happy 10

A bonus for building your biz!

You'll earn a $100 Reward Certificate when you enroll 10 new accounts to your tree, no matter what type of account they enroll as, a Brand Ambassador, a Preferred Customer, or a Retail Customer. And this is not just a one time bonus. You'll earn this EACH TIME you enroll 10 new people with THREE. So the bigger you build your team, the more Reward Certificates you'll earn with Happy 10.


  • This is awarded EACH TIME to get 10 new enrollments
  • Enrollments can be any account type
  • This is a Reward Certificate which you can see the details to HERE>.