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Are You Immune?

The short answer, nope. No one is.

But luckily, there are nutrients and phytochemicals that can support and enhance your body's innate and adaptive immune system.


What's in it?

Imúne features exclusive absorbable ingredients including:

  • Patented SilverSol™ nano silver.
  • High-absorbing liposomal quercetin.
  • Ultra-concentrated Aloe Vera 200X.
  • Plus three unique support blends.



Why is it Different?

Ingredients don't matter if your body can't absorb them.

The advanced Cellular Absorption Technologies within Imúne deliver nutrients deep into the cell for maximum wellness and bioavailability. 

Don't believe us?  
The Perscribers Digital Reference does.
So does this clinical study.

What are the Benefits?

  • Supports the health of both the innate and adaptive immune system.
  • Inhibits quorum sensing, which is how bad bacteria communicate with each other.
  • Enhances your gut microbiome, which hosts 80% of your immune system.
  • Promotes a faster recovery time by quickly detecting and neutralizing threats.

Not Sure How to Purchase?

 Reach out to the person who introduced you to THREE!

They can help you figure out which products are right for you (hint, all of them), and assist you in getting an order placed.
Psst! Ask them about getting wholesale pricing!

Or, call THREE Support at 1-385-333-3388.

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Dive into the Science...

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by some of the terminology? Don't worry, we've got some definitions for you below!


The Microbiome

More than 80% of your immune system is actually in your gut!

The microbiome hosts good and bad bacteria. The Quorum Sensing Support Blend in Imúne isolates the bad bacteria and rids your microbiome of them, creating more room for the good bacteria, making your microbiome and immune system stronger. 



The Blends

The unique blends within Imúne were curated by a team of scientist and physicians to ensure the amounts of ingredients and nutrients they contain are effective and most importantly, absorbable.

Imúne contains:

Quorum Sensing Blend

Adaptive Immunity Support Blend

Innate Immunity Support Blend

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The Cellular Absorption

We said it before and we will say it again: Ingredients don't matter if your body can't absorb them. 

Imúne utilizes liposomes and chelated amino acids to deliver the most soluble, absorbable nutrients to your body and allows them to do what they're designed to do!



Learn the terms...

We're not trying to pull a fast one on you by using big words. Quality matters, so if there were terms used about that you're not sure about, take a look at the definitions below!

Knowledge is power and we want you to feel educated and confident in all things THREE. 

  • Absorbable: To take in and make part of an existent whole.
  • Adaptive Immune System: A subsystem of the immune system that is composed of specialized, systemic cells and processes that eliminate pathogens or prevent their growth.
  • Bioavailable: A measure of how much a substance is able to access the circulation and reach the target area.
  • Chelated Amino Acids: a mineral or nutrient that has been molecularly attached to an amino acid.
  • Innate Immune System: The first part of the body to detect invaders such as viruses, bacteria, parasites and toxins
  • Liposomes: Delivery vehicles for transporting substances into the body effectively via facilitating absorption directly in the mouth or by preventing breakdown by stomach acid.
  • Microbiome: the community of microorganisms (such as fungi, bacteria and viruses) that exists in a particular environment.
  • Quorum Sensing: A type of cellular signaling cells use to communicate.

Shop additional products

Do you know what goes great with Imúne? 

All of our other amazing THREE products. 


Not sure how to purchase?

 Reach out to the person who introduced you to THREE!

They can help you figure out which products are right for you (hint, all of them), and assist you in getting an order placed.
Psst! Ask them about getting wholesale pricing!

Or, call THREE Support at 1-385-333-3388.